Monday, October 20, 2008

End of The American Dream as we know it?

Is this the end of the American Dream as we know it?
If Obama has his way, I believe it is.
What true leader, having any real wisdom and insight, could possible feel good about raising taxes in a recession?
What true patriot could feel good about halting small businesses from growing their business and hiring unemployed workers?
What true American could believe it is worth playing Robinhood with the very portion of our economy who holds the key to our economy?
When did taking my hard earned money to give to someone who already gets a tax refund, become my American Dream?
I've got five children, I'm a mom, I'm busting my you know what to survive and NOT take money from my already stressed government. I will fight tooth and nail to keep the government from taking more of my money.
Obama is way out line, way out of touch and way too liberal for America.